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[an error occurred while processing this directive]中国传统大菊叶片形态的数量化定义与分类
收稿日期: 2020-02-02
录用日期: 2020-11-11
网络出版日期: 2020-11-11
Quantitative Definition and Classification of Leaves in Large- flowered Chinese Chrysanthemum Based on the Morphological Traits
Received date: 2020-02-02
Accepted date: 2020-11-11
Online published: 2020-11-11
中国传统大菊品种叶片形态变异丰富, 然而至今仍未对其进行科学的定义和分类, 无法有效利用这些形态性状进行品种鉴定和叶形遗传解析。利用数量化分析方法对植物形态进行定义和分类, 是植物性状遗传解析的前提。对436个中国传统大菊品种的24个叶形性状进行重新定义及观测, 通过相关性分析确定了8个相对独立的性状, 用变异系数及主成分分析等数量化分析方法筛选出叶长/叶宽、叶片最宽处所在位置/叶长、右下裂片长/右下叶脉长、右下裂片长/右下裂片宽及叶柄长/全叶长5个相对独立且关键的叶部性状。利用这5个性状, 通过Q聚类分析, 最终将菊花(Chrysanthemum × morifolium)叶片分为16种叶型。研究结果为菊花品种鉴定提供了有效的叶部评价标准, 并建立了中国传统菊花品种叶片数量化定义和分类体系, 也为观赏植物复杂性状的解析提供了新方法。
宋雪彬, 高康, 黄河, 刘芷兰, 戴思兰, 嵇彧 . 中国传统大菊叶片形态的数量化定义与分类[J]. 植物学报, 2021 , 56(1) : 10 -24 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB20014
The leaf morphology of Chinese traditional chrysanthemum varieties is very variable, but it has not been scientifically defined and classified, so it is impossible to make effective use of these morphological traits for variety identification and genetic analysis. The definition and classification of plant morphology by quantitative analysis is the premise of genetic analysis of plant traits. In this study, 24 leaf traits of 436 chrysanthemum varieties were re-defined and measured. The correlation analysis identified 8 relatively independent traits, and principal component analysis further focused on 5 key traits, including the leaf blade length/leaf blade width, widest part length/leaf blade length, right lower leaf lobe length/leaf vein length of right lower lobe, right lower leaf lobe length/right lower leaf lobe width, leaf petiole length/leaf blade length. The leaf shapes were classified into 16 types by Q clustering analysis. This study established a quantitative definition and classification system for the leaves of Chinese traditional chrysanthemum varieties. It provided an effective leaf evaluation standard for the identification of chrysanthemum varieties, and a new method for the analysis of complex traits of ornamental plants.
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