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[an error occurred while processing this directive]独脚金内酯信号途径的新发现——抑制子也是转录因子
收稿日期: 2020-05-28
录用日期: 2020-06-02
网络出版日期: 2020-06-11
New Insight into Strigolactone Signaling
Received date: 2020-05-28
Accepted date: 2020-06-02
Online published: 2020-06-11
植物激素信号传导途径中的抑制子(repressor) DELLA、AUX/IAA、JAZ和D53/SMXL均结合下游转录因子并抑制其转录活性, 从而阻遏激素响应基因的表达; 激素分子则激活信号传导链降解抑制子、释放转录因子, 从而诱导响应基因表达并介导相应的生物学功能。中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所李家洋研究团队最新的研究发现, 独脚金内酯(SL)信号途径中的SMXL6、SMXL7和SMXL8是具有抑制子和转录因子双重功能的新型抑制子, 他们还通过研究SL转录调控网络发现了大量新的SL响应基因, 揭示了SL调控植物分枝、叶片伸长和花色素苷积累的分子机制。这些重要发现为探索植物激素作用机理提供了新思路, 具有重要科学意义和应用前景。
姚瑞枫,谢道昕 . 独脚金内酯信号途径的新发现——抑制子也是转录因子[J]. 植物学报, 2020 , 55(4) : 397 -402 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB20099
It is well-known that DELLA, AUX/IAA, JAZ and D53/SMXL act as repressor proteins that bind and repress transcription factors to suppress expression of hormone-responsive genes, while hormone molecules trigger signal transduction to induce degradation of these repressor proteins and eventually activate expression of hormone-responsive genes essential for various biological processes. The research team led by Dr. Jiayang Li recently reported that SMXL6, SMXL7 and SMXL8 (SMXL6,7,8) in strigolactone (SL) signaling pathway serve as dual-function repressor proteins which act as both repressors and transcription factors. They found that SMXL6,7,8 can function as transcription factors by directly binding to the promoters of SMXL6,7,8 genes and repressing their expression. In addition, they identified a large number of novel SL-responsive genes, and revealed molecular mechanisms underlying how SL regulates shoot branching, leaf elongation and anthocyanin biosynthesis. These important findings provide new insights into our understanding of plant hormone action, which are scientifically significant and agriculturally important.
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