

  • 1 中国科学院植物研究所, 植物分子生理学重点实验室, 北京 100093
    2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049

收稿日期: 2019-12-13

  录用日期: 2020-01-23

  网络出版日期: 2020-01-23



A Non-invasive Method for Measuring and Analyzing Circadian Phenotype in Living Plants

  • 1 Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Physiology, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China
    2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Received date: 2019-12-13

  Accepted date: 2020-01-23

  Online published: 2020-01-23


植物生物钟系统是植物为了适应地球自转进化出的以约24小时为周期的分子系统, 通过感知并整合外界周期性变化的环境信号进而协调细胞内相应基因的表达和能量状态, 赋予植物对生存环境的适应性并参与调控多个植物生长发育过程。目前, 越来越多的研究聚焦于解析植物生物钟的分子机制, 基于此也衍生出很多研究生物钟表型的方法。该文在总结已有生物钟检测方法的基础上, 重点介绍生物钟表型实验中最常用且比较稳定可靠的实验方法, 以期为生物钟的表型研究尤其是生物钟机制研究提供技术支持与借鉴。


于英俊,徐航,王雷 . 生物发光成像无损伤研究植物生物钟的方法[J]. 植物学报, 2020 , 55(2) : 177 -181 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB19238


The plant circadian clock is a time-keeping molecular system, with a cycle of ~ 24 h. It was evolved to adapt to the diel rhythmic environmental cues generated by the self-rotation of the Earth. In addition to the time-keeping function, the circadian clock also regulates a plethora of plant growth and development processes by synchronizing the endogenous energy and metabolomic status. By sensing and integrating the dynamics of external environmental cues, circadian clock can coordinate gene expression at multiple levels, thus to increase the fitness of plants. Recently, there is an increasingly demand for measuring and assessing circadian phenotype for many non-circadian research field. Here, we summarized the currently available methods for detecting circadian rhythm, and show one most commonly used standard procedure for evaluating circadian phenotype in plants, which may help to provide the applicable technical assistance for the study of the circadian clock.


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