

  • 1河南师范大学生命科学学院, 新乡 453007
    2郑州澍青医学高等专科学校, 郑州 450064
    3河南省道地中药材保育及利用工程技术研究中心/绿色药材生物技术河南省工程实验室, 新乡 453007

收稿日期: 2019-08-27

  录用日期: 2019-11-13

  网络出版日期: 2019-11-14



Optimization of Cell Suspension Culture Conditions of Achyranthes bidentata

  • 1College of Life Science, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China
    2Zhengzhou Shuqing Medical College, Zhengzhou 450064, China
    3Engineering Technology Research Center of Nursing and Utilization of Genuine Chinese Crude Drugs in Henan Province/Engineering Laboratory of Biotechnology for Green Medicinal Plant of Henan Province, Xinxiang 453007, China

Received date: 2019-08-27

  Accepted date: 2019-11-13

  Online published: 2019-11-14


为进一步优化怀牛膝(Achyranthes bidentata)细胞悬浮培养条件, 对接种量、继代周期、pH、光照及Cu 2+等多种影响因子的作用效果进行了研究, 以提高怀牛膝细胞生长量及牛膝多糖含量。结果显示, 接种量50 g·L -1、继代周期14天, pH5-6和光照培养可以使细胞保持良好的生长状态及多糖合成能力; 添加50 μmol·L -1Cu 2+, 细胞的干重最大, 可达44.63 g·L -1, 多糖含量也最高, 为4.02 mg·g -1


李萍,董亚辉,李成龙,何雨龙,李明军 . 怀牛膝细胞悬浮培养条件的优化[J]. 植物学报, 2020 , 55(1) : 90 -95 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB19168


To optimize the suspension culture conditions of Achyranthes bidentata cells, effect of different factors like inoculum concentrations, subculture cycles, pH, light and Cu 2+ on cell growth and polysaccharides contents was studied. The results showed that, cells grew well with a good ability for polysaccharides synthesis under 50 g·L -1 inoculum concentration, 14 d subculture cycle, pH5-6 and light. In the presence of 50 μmol·L -1 Cu 2+, the cell dry weight could be the maximum with 44.63 g·L -1, and polysaccharides contents reached the peak at 4.02 mg·g -1.


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