2009年中国植物科学在水稻和拟南芥研究等方面取得“爆发性”的快速发展。中国科学家在植物科学各领域中取得了大量的原创性研究成果, 尤其是在基于新一代测序技术和计算生物学理论的基因组学、水稻功能基因挖掘、激素受体和信号转导以及转基因作物产业化和生态安全性研究等方面取得一系列重大进展, 受到了国内外广泛关注。该文对2009年中国本土植物生命科学若干领域取得的重要研究进展进行概括性评述, 旨在全面追踪当前中国植物科学领域发展的最新前沿和热点事件, 并展现我国科学家们所取得的杰出成就。
Plant science in China has been developing rapidly in 2009. This year, Chinese scientists have reported a lot of original research findings in various aspects of plant biology and made a serial of significant progresses in plant genome sequencing, identification of important functional genes in rice, and phytohormone receptor as well as signal transduction of plant hormone. The industrialization of transgenic crops including rice and maize achieved breakthrough and the research on the ecological safety has supplied novel technical standard and knowledge in evaluating ecological safety of transgenic crops during industrialization of these crops. This review aims to provide an overall picture of research advances on plant science in China and highlights some of the important findings in 2009.