

  • 山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院, 果树生物学国家重点实验室, 泰安 271018

收稿日期: 2016-06-02

  录用日期: 2016-09-04

  网络出版日期: 2017-07-10



Application of Photochemical Reflectance Index in Comparing Frost Resistance of Grapevine Cultivars

  • State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, College of Horticultural Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, China

Received date: 2016-06-02

  Accepted date: 2016-09-04

  Online published: 2017-07-10


以12个葡萄(Vitis vinifera)品种为试材, 在秋季采集叶片, 进行霜冻处理, 测定了霜冻过程中叶片光化学反射指数(PRI)的变化。提取有效参数, 采用隶属函数法比较了不同叶片的耐霜冻能力。结果表明, 随着温度的降低, 叶片光化学反射指数呈下降趋势。在-8-0°C范围内, PRI及其相对值Rt与温度都存在显著的线性关系; 叶片PRI在0°C、-8°C时的相对值R0R-8, 以及-8-0°C范围中, Rt与温度的回归直线斜率SLP都具有品种特异性, 可以反映不同品种的耐霜冻能力。隶属函数法结合聚类分析结果显示, 在12个候选品种中, 抗霜冻能力最好的是Cabernet Sauvignon, 其R0R-8和SLP分别为72.3%、50.19%和2.78。


孙鲁龙, 宋伟, 杜远鹏, 翟衡 . 光化学反射指数在比较葡萄叶片耐霜冻能力中的应用[J]. 植物学报, 2017 , 52(5) : 543 -549 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB16123


Leaves of 12 grapevine cultivars were selected as materials and collected in the fall. The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) in leaves was measured after frost treatment. Effective parameters were calculated and used in functional value analysis to compare the cold hardiness of leaves. Cooling temperature led to a trend of declining PRI. PRI and its relative value (Rt) had a good linear relationship with temperature in the range of -8 to 0°C. Relative values at both 0°C and -8°C (R0, R-8) differed among cultivars, as did the slope of regressions in the range of -8 to 0°C and can be used as parameters to reflect the cold hardiness of leaves. Functional value analysis and cluster analysis showed that the most cold-hardiness cultivar in leaves was Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera), with R0, R-8, and SLP values at 72.3%, 50.19%, and 2.78, respectively.


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