植物微流芯片——一种实时定量监测生长发育的 高通量整合分析平台
收稿日期: 2014-09-29
录用日期: 2015-01-27
网络出版日期: 2015-10-09
Plant Microfluidic Chip, an Integrated High-throughput Platform for Real-time Analysis of Plant Growth and Development
Received date: 2014-09-29
Accepted date: 2015-01-27
Online published: 2015-10-09
生长发育是一个复杂的动态过程, 了解其发生细节是生命科学研究的重要内容。最新发展起来的微流芯片技术为实现这个目标提供了新的途径。动物及微生物中的应用表明, 该技术兼有实时定量监测和高通量整合处理的优势。在植物研究领域, 用针对根生长特点和要求设计的根微流芯片结合荧光共振能量转移探针已经成功地检测出拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)根细胞内葡萄糖和游离的Ca2+、Zn2+的浓度。随着各种底物特异的荧光共振能量转移探针的开发和应用, 根微流芯片还可以用来检测植物细胞内激素或其它代谢中间产物的浓度及其动态变化过程。不仅如此, 以微流芯片为基础发展起来的Plant Chip和Tip Chip则为研究植物与微生物的相互作用以及植物花粉管极性生长和细胞分裂分化提供了理想的平台。作为了解遗传因素或环境刺激导致细胞生命活动变化细节的有力工具, 微流芯片技术有望为植物研究领域带来更多新的进展和突破。
关键词: 微流芯片; FRET sensor; 实时定量; 高通量
王明红, 马来, 郑小江, 胡一兵 . 植物微流芯片——一种实时定量监测生长发育的 高通量整合分析平台[J]. 植物学报, 2015 , 50(5) : 637 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB14177
Plant growth and development is a complex and dynamic process. Understanding the details of the process is a challenge for biological research. The microfluidic technique provides an effective way to achieve this goal. Research of microorganisms and animal cell lines has demonstrated that this technique has the advantages of real-time detection with high resolution and high-throughput processing. Recently, root microfluidic chip assay developed on the basis of microfluidic chip assay for plants showed potential: real-time concentrations of cellular Zn and Ca ions and glucose in Arabidopsis root were successfully and non-invasively measured. With more substrate-specific FRET sensors developed, root microfluidic chip could be used to detect concentrations of cellular phytohormones or other cytosolic metabolites and their variations. In addition, diverse microfluidic-based new chip assays provide ideal platforms for studying biological activities such as interactions between plants and pathogens, polarity growth of pollen tubes or cell division and differentiation. As a powerful tool to survey cellular activities induced by genetic factors or environmental stimuli, microfluidic chip assay could bring more breakthroughs and insights in plant research.
Key words: microfluidic chip; FRET sensor; real-time detection; high throughput
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