

  • 兰州大学生命科学学院, 细胞活动与逆境适应教育部重点实验室, 兰州 730000

收稿日期: 2017-05-17

  录用日期: 2017-06-30

  网络出版日期: 2017-06-30


国家自然科学基金(No.31470372)、农业部转基因专项(No.2016ZX08009-003-002)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项(No. Lzujbky-2015-ot09, No.Lzujbky-2015-297)

Research Progress in Plant Autophagy

  • Key Laboratory of Cell Activities and Stress Adaptations, Ministry of Education, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China

Received date: 2017-05-17

  Accepted date: 2017-06-30

  Online published: 2017-06-30


细胞自噬是一类依赖于溶酶体和液泡的蛋白质降解途径。在动物细胞中, 靶物质通过自噬体包裹被运送到溶酶体中,由特定的水解酶降解; 而植物和酵母细胞中该过程在液泡内进行。近年来, 在模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中鉴定到多个关键ATG基因, 它们对植物细胞自噬体的形成及自噬调控起到关键作用。该文全面综述了植物细胞自噬的调控及其在植物逆境胁迫中的生理功能。


刘洋, 张静, 王秋玲, 侯岁稳 . 植物细胞自噬研究进展[J]. 植物学报, 2018 , 53(1) : 5 -16 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB17102


Autophagy is a protein degradation pathway in which target cellular materials are delivered to the lysosome and degraded by specific hydrolytic enzymes in animals; this progress is carried out within vacuoles in plants and yeast. Recently, several autophagy-related (ATG) genes have been successfully identified in Arabidopsis. Those genes are essential for autophagosome formation and the regulation of autophagy. Here we summarize the regulation of plant autophagy and its function in the plant adversity response.


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