收稿日期: 2014-11-15
录用日期: 2015-04-14
网络出版日期: 2016-02-01
基金项目: 广东省科技攻关重点项目(No.2011A020102007)和广东省战略新兴产业核心技术攻关项目(No.2012A020800003)
Effect of LED in Different Light Qualities on Growth of Phalaenopsis Plantlets
Received date: 2014-11-15
Accepted date: 2015-04-14
Online published: 2016-02-01
以蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis ssp.)栽培种绿熊(Green Bear)和大辣椒(Big Chilli)为培养材料, 研究不同光质的发光二极管(LED)组合对组织培养过程中增殖及生根的影响。结果表明, 红光更有利于蝴蝶兰单芽增殖、干重、鲜重以及株高的增加, 但不利于叶片叶绿素的积累; 蓝光有利于叶片叶绿素的积累, 并能提高根系活力; 远红光则对根长和根系活力的增加作用更显著。增殖扩繁阶段的最适LED为暖白, 2种蝴蝶兰芽增殖系数分别比白色荧光灯(对照)高出53.17%和46.37%。生根诱导阶段的最适LED组合为红:蓝:远红=3:6:1, 根长及根系活力均较对照显著增加。该研究结果为LED光源在蝴蝶兰组织培养中的应用奠定了基础。
任桂萍, 王小菁, 朱根发 . 不同光质的LED对蝴蝶兰组织培养增殖及生根的影响[J]. 植物学报, 2016 , 51(1) : 81 -88 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB14196
We used the aseptic seedlings of 2 cultivars (Phalaenopsis ssp. cv. ‘Green Bear’ and Phalaenopsis ssp. cv. ‘Big Chilli’) to investigate the effect of LED in different light qualities on multiplication and rooting in vitro. The experimental design included 15 different light sources composed of six kinds of LED light, namely RED(630), R(630)8B2, R(630)7B3, R(630)5B5, R(630)3B7, R(630)2B8, BLUE, RED(660), R(660)7B3, R(660)5B5, CW5R(630)5, Warm W, R(630)6B3FR1, R(630)4B4FR2, R(630)3B6FR1, and WFL (control). Under red light illumination, seeding growth and the number of shoots were promoted, but chlorophyll content of leaves was reduced, but it was increased under the mixture of blue and red LEDs. Blue light had a positive effect on chlorophyll content. Root activity was increased with increasing ratio of blue in the combined red and blue LEDs and increased under the three light sources supplemented with far-red light. Blue and far-red light were more effective in root length. Shoots could be more successfully induced under Warm W light. Compared with WFL light, the number of shoots of the 2 varieties was increased by 53.17% and 46.37%, respectively. Therefore, the best light recipe for the multiplication and rooting of Phalaenopsis were Warm W and R(630)3B6FR1 light. The present study provides a proof of application of LEDs in Phalaenopsis tissue culture.
Key words: light-emitting diode; light quality; Phalaenopsis; tissue culture
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