

  • 宁夏大学生命科学学院, 银川 750021

? 共同第一作者

收稿日期: 2015-03-06

  录用日期: 2015-09-30

  网络出版日期: 2016-05-24



Effect of Meteorological Factor on Fruit Growth and Accumulation of Polysaccharides in Lycium barbarum

  • College of Life Sciences, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China

? These authors contributed equally to this paper

Received date: 2015-03-06

  Accepted date: 2015-09-30

  Online published: 2016-05-24


选取宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum)主产区银川、白银和德令哈三地5年生宁杞1号为实验材料, 探讨各地枸杞果实(横径、纵径和百粒重)生长及多糖含量与主要气象因子之间的关系, 并建立回归模型。结果表明: 三地果实生长类型均属双“S”型, 即包括第1次快速生长期、缓慢生长期和第2次快速生长期; 各产区宁夏枸杞的果实在不同生长期的发育时间和整个生长期的时间均存在差异。三产地枸杞果实的发育过程中, 多糖含量始终呈现银川>白银>德令哈的趋势。多糖含量随枸杞果实发育成熟度的增加而升高, 表现为缓慢升高和快速升高2个阶段。平均气温和平均昼夜温差是影响枸杞果实生长发育的主导气象因子。枸杞果实的整个发育过程中, 银川地区枸杞果实的横、纵径和百粒重的增长首先随平均气温的升高而增加, 分别达到23.71°C、23.93°C和23.55°C时最大, 之后随着温度的增加而减小; 白银地区枸杞果实横、纵径和百粒重一直随平均气温的增加而增加, 到温度分别为22.99°C、22.16°C和21.35°C时接近最大; 德令哈枸杞果实横、纵径和百粒重一直随平均气温的增加而增加, 直到平均温度分别为19.55°C、21.01°C和20.64°C时接近最大。


齐国亮, 苏雪玲, 郑国琦, 杨涓, 包晗, 王俊 . 气象因子对宁夏枸杞果实生长及多糖含量的影响[J]. 植物学报, 2016 , 51(3) : 311 -321 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB15041


To explore the relationships between the growth of wolfberry fruit (diameter, length and hundred-grain weight) as well as its polysaccharide content and the main meteorological factors, we chose 5-year-old Lycium barbarum Ningqi 1 from 3 main producing areas—Yinchuan, Baiyin and Delingha—as experimental materials and established regression models. The fruit growth curve of L. barbarum in the 3 areas belonged to the double “S” curve: the first growth spurt, the slow periods and the second growth spurt. The growth period of wolfberry fruit from different areas in different development stages differed, as did the whole stage. Polysaccharide content in fruits from the 3 areas always showed a trend of Yinchuan>Baiyin>Delingha. The content of polysaccharide increased with development. Polysaccharide content increased in the slow phase and rapid phase. Average temperature and average temperature difference between day and night were the two main meteorological factors affecting the growth and development of wolfberry fruit. During the whole developmental process, growth rate of fruit from Yinchuan area increased first with increasing temperature and peaked at 23.71°C, 23.93°C and 23.55°C in the 3 periods, respectively, then slowed despite increasing temperature. Growth rate of fruit from Baiyin area continually increased with increasing temperature, and peaked at 22.99°C, 22.16°C and 21.35°C, as did the growth rate of fruit from the Delingha area, with peak temperature 19.55°C, 21.01°C and 20.64°C.


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