高等植物种子成熟过程中贮存大量的贮藏蛋白质作为种子发芽和初期生长的重要营养来源。根据溶解性不同, 种子贮藏蛋白质可分为白蛋白、球蛋白、醇溶蛋白和谷蛋白4类。在种子胚发育过程中, 醇溶蛋白在粗面内质网合成后形成蛋白质聚集体, 直接出芽形成蛋白体并贮存其中。白蛋白、球蛋白和谷蛋白在粗面内质网以分子量较大的前体形式合成后, 根据各自的分选信号进入特定的运输囊泡, 经由受体依赖型运输/聚集体形式运输转运至蛋白质贮藏型液泡中, 然后经过液泡加工酶等的剪切转换为成熟型贮藏蛋白质并贮存其中。蛋白质的合成、分选、转运和加工等过程影响种子蛋白质的品质及含量。该文对种子贮藏蛋白质的分类和运输、加工以及这些过程对种子蛋白质品质和含量的影响进行了概述。
Higher plants accumulate large quantities of storage proteins in seeds as sources of nutrition for germination and early growth during seed maturation. Seed storage proteins are classified into four groups, albumins, globulins, prolamins and glutelins, on the basis of their solubility. During seed embryo development, prolamins form aggregates after being synthesized on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and bud to form a protein body and are deposited in it. Albumin, globulin and glutelin proteins are synthesized as large precursors on the ER and then are sorted into various vesicles according to their sorting signals. The precursors are transported into protein storage vacuoles (PSVs) by receptor- mediated sorting and/or aggregation sorting mechanisms. Finally, the precursors are processed into mature forms by vacuolar processing enzymes and are deposited in PSVs. All the processes of synthesis, sorting, transport and processing affect the quality and quantity of seed proteins. We give an overview of the classification, transport and processing of the seed storage proteins and the effects of these processes on the quantity and quality of seed proteins.
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