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  • 周立茹 ,
  • 敖妍 ,
  • 仲静
  • 1林木资源高效生产全国重点实验室(北京林业大学), 北京, 100083; 2省部共建森林培育与保护教育部重点实验室, 北京 100083; 3国家能源非粮生物质原料研发中心, 北京 100083

收稿日期: 2024-11-23

  修回日期: 2025-01-09

  网络出版日期: 2025-01-22



Study on Adventitious Bud Induction and Browning Inhibition of Xanthoceras sorbifolium

  • ZHOU Li-Ru ,
  • AO Yan ,
  • ZHONG Jing
  • 1State Key Laboratory of Efficient Production of Forest Resources(Beijing Forest University), Beijing, 100083; 2 Key Laboratory of Silviculture and Conservation of Minister of Education, Beijing, 100083; 3 National Energy R&D Center for Non-food Biomass, Beijing, 100083

Received date: 2024-11-23

  Revised date: 2025-01-09

  Online published: 2025-01-22


以文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge)种仁为实验材料, 筛选出诱导不定芽的最佳培养基及探究外植体褐化的影响因素。结果表明: 种仁消毒的最佳方法为使用75%乙醇消毒30秒, 0.1%的有效氯消毒10分钟, 污染率为29.33%, 死亡率为12%。不定芽诱导的最佳培养基配方为MS+2.5 mg·L-1 6-BA+1.0 mg·L-1 NAA+30 g·L-1 蔗糖+6.8 g·L-1琼脂+0.1 g·L-1 肌醇, 诱导率为72.22%; 不同细胞分裂素类植物生长调节剂中, 培养基添加6-BA时, 外植体死亡率最低, 为12.50%, 诱导率最高, 为73.61%。光照强度为1300lx和温度为26℃最佳培养条件, 诱导率最高, 为72.22%。7月1日-7月8日的种子种仁饱满坚实, 种皮白色, 易剥离, 为抑制文冠果组培褐化的最佳培养材料, 不定芽诱导率最高, 为97.22%。


周立茹 , 敖妍 , 仲静 . 文冠果种仁不定芽诱导及褐化抑制研究[J]. 植物学报, 0 : 1 -0 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB24176


Utilizing the seed kernel of Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge as the experimental material, this study aims to identify the optimal culture medium for the induction of adventitious buds and to investigate the factors influencing the browning of the explants.The results showed that the best method for seed kernel disinfection was to use 75% ethanol for 30 seconds and 0.1% effective chlorine for 10 minutes, with a contamination rate of 29.33% and a mortality rate of 12%. The optimal medium formula for inducing adventitious buds is MS+2.5 mg · L-1 6-BA+1.0 mg · L-1 NAA+30 g · L-1 sucrose+6.8 g · L-1 agar+0.1 g · L-1 inositol, with an induction rate of 72.22%; Among various cytokinin plant growth regulators, the addition of 6-BA to the culture medium resulted in the lowest explant mortality rate of 12.50% and the highest induction rate of 73.61%. The optimal cultivation conditions were a light intensity of 1300lx and a temperature of 26°C, with the highest induction rate of 72.22%. Seeds harvested from July 1st to July 8th exhibit plump and firm endosperms, with white seed coats that can be easily separated. These characteristics render them the most suitable explants for mitigating browning during in vitro culture of Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge, and the highest induction rate of adventitious buds is 97.22%.
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