植物学报 ›› 1998, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (06): 52-58.

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (中国科学院植物研究所 北京 100093)
  • 出版日期:1998-11-20 发布日期:1998-11-20

Spatial Patterns and Dynamics of Main Woody Plant Populations of Survived Forest Plant Communities in Daqinggou

ZHENG Yuan-Run   

  1. (Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100093)
  • Online:1998-11-20 Published:1998-11-20

摘要: 本文运用方差/均值比率法及聚集强度的某些指数研究了大青沟森林植物群落主要木本植物种群的分布格局及其动态。主要木本植物种群的分布格局大多为集群型,只有部分群落中大果榆、色木槭及家榆种群为随机分布。格局动态的分析表明,水曲柳、黄菠萝、春榆、大果榆种群幼苗一幼树一小树一中树一大树分布格局由集群分布逐渐变为随机分布,而蒙古栎由于较强的萌生性,大树阶段仍为集群分布。分析表明影响种群分布格局的因子大致可归纳为两类:一是物种本身的生物学特性,二是由环境条件引起的种内种间竞争;方差/均值比率法是一种较好的分析种群分布格局的方法。

Abstract: Spatial patterns and dynamics of main woody plant populations of survived forest plant communities in Daqinggou are studied by method of Variance/Mean and some indexes of aggregative intensity. Spatial patterns of main woody plant populations are aggregative, Ulmus macrocarpa, Acer mono, Ulmus pumila populations in some communities are random. Results of pattern dynamic analysis are that Fraxinus mandshurica, Phellodendron amurense, Ulmus propinqua, Ulmus macrocarpa population patterns turined to random type from aggregative type in series of seedling, sapling, little tree, middle scale tree and big tree, because of higher tiller capacity, Quercus mongolica population pattern is still aggregative type in big tree stage. The results in this paper also show: the factor which affect population pattern are two aspects, one is biological characteristics of species, the other is intra- and inter- species competition caused by environmental conditions; method of Variance/Mean is better to analyse population pattern.