植物学报 ›› 2004, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (05): 539-546.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


王金龙,高玉葆, 任安芝,王巍,赵念席   

  1. 南开大学生命科学学院 天津 300071
  • 收稿日期:2003-04-16 修回日期:2003-08-06 出版日期:2004-10-20 发布日期:2004-10-20
  • 通讯作者: 高玉葆

Effects of Endophyte Infection on Photosynthesis, Transpiration and Biomass of Lolium perenne L. at DifferentNitrogen Levels

WANG Jin-Long GAO Yu-Bao② REN An-Zhi WANG Wei ZHAO Nian-Xi   

  1. (College of Life Science,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071)
  • Received:2003-04-16 Revised:2003-08-06 Online:2004-10-20 Published:2004-10-20
  • Contact: GAO Yu-Bao

摘要: 以黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)为实验材料,研究在不同氮素营养条件下内生真菌(Neotyphodium lolii)感染对其光合特性及生物量的影响。结果表明:1)整个实验中,内生真菌感染对黑麦草净光合速率、蒸腾速率以及水分利用效率均无显著影响,但在中氮和高氮水平时,感染种群的净同化累积值有超过非感染种群的趋势;2)在本实验的第一处理期和第二处理期,内生真菌感染对黑麦草绿色部分的干物质产量无显著影响,但在第三处理期感染种群的绿色部分的干物质产量显著高于非感染种群。

Abstract: In order to investigate the effect of endophyte infection on its host plants, net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, water using efficiency and dry mass yield were determined using endophyte-infected (EI) and endophyte-free (EF) populations of Lolium perenne L. at different nitrogen levels. There were no significant differences between EI and EF populations in net photosynthetic rate,transpiration rate or water using efficiency during the experimental period but the cumulative value of diurnal photosynthesis was greater in EI populations than in EF populations both the medium and at high nitrogen level. No significant differences existed between EI and EF populations in dry mass yield of the herbage during the first or the second experimental period. During the third experimental period, the dry wass of the EI populations was significantly higher than the EF populations.