植物学报 ›› 1998, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (04): 45-50.

• 专论与综述 • 上一篇    下一篇


李师翁 李虎乾 张建军   

  1. 1(庆阳师范高等专科学校生物系 甘肃西峰 745000) 2(深圳益兴光合有限公司 深圳 518008)
  • 出版日期:1998-07-20 发布日期:1998-07-20
  • 通讯作者: 李师翁

Progress in Studies on Large-scale Culture of Chlorella

LI Shi-Weng, LI Hu-Qian and ZHANG Jian-Jun   

  1. 1(Department of Biology, Qingyang Teacher's College, Xifeng Gansu 745000) 2(Shenzhen Yixing Photosynthesis Limited Company, Shenzhen 518008)
  • Online:1998-07-20 Published:1998-07-20
  • Contact: LI Shi-Weng

摘要: 小球藻是被人类研究并开发利用的单细胞藻类之一。本文就小球藻大规模培养中产量、质量、培养方式、培养基与经济上的可行性之间的关系;气候因子、二氧化碳补加、搅拌、分离、收获与干燥等技术条件及其研究的进展进行了综述,认为未来的发展趋势将是光合生物反应器培养。文中也讨论了小球藻大规模培养中生长量以及限制生长量的主要因素与太阳能转换率之间的关系。

Abstract: Chlorella is one of the single-cell algae that was studied, cultured and used for human. The current reiew of the interrelationship of product, quality, culture type, and media type for eco- nomically feasible system; the technical condition on climatological factors, carbonating, the need for mixing, seperating, harvesting and drying; and the progress of mass culture on Chlorella was summarized in this paper. The future development trends of mass culture will be automatic photosynthe tic reactor culture. The relationship of productivity and the solar energy conversion efficiency which is one of the main limitations on productivity was discussed also.