植物学报 ›› 1998, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (02): 1-7.
• 专论与综述 • 下一篇
黄群策 孙敬三
HUANG Qun-Ce and SUN Jing-San
摘要: 本文综述了被子植物多胚苗的研究进展。在被子植物中多胚苗材料的种类很多,而只有特定起源的多胚苗材料在作物杂种优势固定中才具有比较大的实用价值。关于被子植物多胚苗的发生机理目前还没形成统一的定论。单倍性、二倍性和多倍性多胚苗在作物育种上具有各自不同的意义。
Abstract: Advance in polyembryonic seedling (PS) in angiosperms is summarized in the paper. There are many kinds of PS materials in angiosperms, but the PS materials from the special polyembryoes are only thought to be valuable in fixing the crop heterosis. However, affirmative conclusion about the mechanism of producing the PS material in angiosperms is not still formed and obtained. The haploid, diploid and polyploid PS materials have respectively special value in crop breeding.
黄群策 孙敬三. 被子植物多胚苗的研究进展. 植物学报, 1998, 15(02): 1-7.
HUANG Qun-Ce and SUN Jing-San. Advance in Polyembryonic Seedling in Angiosperms. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 1998, 15(02): 1-7.
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