植物学报 ›› 1996, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (02): 34-36.
• 研究报告 • 上一篇 下一篇
侯林林 李枞 观庆虎 孟淑兰 宋树德
Hou Lin-lin ,Li Cong, Ma Qing-hu, Meng Shu-lan and Song Yan-ru
摘要: 经农杆菌介导转化了5个马铃薯品种。结果表明不同品种的马铃薯转化效率不同试管薯度过2-3个月的休眠期后转化效率明显提高。转化效率亦随T-DNA长度的增加而减少,这可能与T-DNA整合时的断裂或重组有关。
Abstract: Five potato cultivars have been transferred by Agrobacterium. The results showed that the different cultivars have different transformation ratios. The transformation efficiency of the micro-tubers enhances significantly after 2-3 moths of dormancy. We also found that the increase of length of T-DNA decreases the transformation efficiency, this may be relative with split or rearrangement in T-DNA integration.
侯林林 李枞 观庆虎 孟淑兰 宋树德. 马铃薯转化效率的因素探讨. 植物学报, 1996, 13(02): 34-36.
Hou Lin-lin;Li Cong;Ma Qing-hu;Meng Shu-lan and Song Yan-ru. Studies on the Potato Transformation Efficiency. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 1996, 13(02): 34-36.
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