植物学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (1): 19-29.DOI: 10.11983/CBB16213
所属专题: 水稻生物学专辑 (2017年52卷1期)
# 共同第一作者
Yan Chun, Xueyong Li*
Li Xueyong
About author:
# Co-first authors
摘要: 穗型作为水稻(Oryza sativa)重要的农艺性状, 近年来一直是研究热点。该文简要介绍了水稻穗部发育的一般过程, 总结了近年来发现的调控水稻穗型相关基因, 并根据水稻幼穗发育过程将其分为4类: 分别调控枝梗分生组织的形成、枝梗分生组织的大小、小穗分生组织的转变时间以及枝梗的伸长; 并概括分析了上述基因在调控水稻幼穗发育过程中所呈现出的路径关系。最后对水稻穗型遗传调控研究的未来发展方向进行了展望。
淳雁, 李学勇. 水稻穗型的遗传调控研究进展. 植物学报, 2017, 52(1): 19-29.
Yan Chun, Xueyong Li. Research Progress in Genetic Regulation of Rice Panicle Architecture. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2017, 52(1): 19-29.
图1 水稻穗发育模式……PBM: 一级枝梗分生组织; AM: 穗轴分生组织; SBM: 二级枝梗分生组织; MA: 穗主轴; PB: 一级枝梗; SB: 二级枝梗; LS: 侧生小穗; TS: 终端小穗; DP: 退化点
Figure 1 Diagram of rice inflorescence development……PBM: Primary branch meristem; AM: Axis meristem; SBM: Secondary branch meristem; MA: Main axis; PB: Primary branch; SB: Secondary branch; LS: Lateral spikelet; TS: Terminal spikelet; DP: Degenerate point
图2 生长素介导的水稻分生组织形成^BM: 枝梗分生组织; OsYUC1: Oryza sativa YUCCA1; OsPIN1: Oryza sativa PIN-FORMED 1; OsPID1: Oryza sativa PINOID 1; PAY1: Plant Architecture and Yield 1; ASP1: Aberrant Spikelet and Panicle 1; ARF: Auxin-response Factor; TDD1: Tryptophan Deficient Dwarf 1; LAX: Lax Panicle; APO: Aberrant Panicle Organization; RFL: Rice LFY Homolog; SPA: Small Panicle
Figure 2 Auxin-mediated meristem initiations in rice^BM: Branch meristem; OsYUC1: Oryza sativa YUCCA1; OsPIN1: Oryza sativa PIN-FORMED 1; OsPID1: Oryza sativa PINOID 1; PAY1: Plant Architecture and Yield 1; ASP1: Aberrant Spikelet and Panicle 1; ARF: Auxin-response Factor; TDD1: Tryptophan Deficient Dwarf 1; LAX: Lax Panicle; APO: Aberrant Panicle Organization; RFL: Rice LFY Homolog; SPA: Small Panicle
图3 细胞分裂素调控水稻生殖分生组织大小^BM: 枝梗分生组织; LOG: Lonely Guy; EP3: Erect Panicle 3; LP: Large Panicle; Gn1a: Grain Number 1a; OsCKX2: Oryza sativa Cytokinin Oxidase/Dehydrogenase 2; DST: Drought and Salt Tolerance; DEP1: Dense and Erect Panicle 1; OsWUS: Oryza sativa WUS; FON1: FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER 1
Figure 3 Cytokinins regulate reproductive meristem size in rice^BM: Branch meristem; LOG: Lonely Guy; EP3: Erect Panicle 3; LP: Large Panicle; Gn1a: Grain Number 1a; OsCKX2: Oryza sativa Cytokinin Oxidase/Dehydrogenase 2; DST: Drought and Salt Tolerance; DEP1: Dense and Erect Panicle 1; OsWUS: Oryza sativa WUS; FON1: FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER 1
图4 水稻从枝梗分生组织形成期向小穗分生组织形成期的转变^BM: 枝梗分生组织; SM: 小穗分生组织; FZP: Frizzy Panicle; BFL1: Branched Floretless 1; APO: Aberrant Panicle Organization; RFL: Rice LFY Homolog; CPB1: Clustered Primary Branch 1; Ghd8: Grain number, Plant height, and Heading date 8; MOC1: MONOCULM 1; RCN: Reduced Culm Number; OsMADS: Oryza sativa MADS-box gene; PAP2: Panicle phytomer 2; TAW1: Regulator of Rice Inflorescence Architecture, TAWAWA1; SPL: Squamosa Promoter Binding Protein Like; miR: microRNA
Figure 4 Transition from inflorescence meristem to spikelet meristem in rice^BM: Branch meristem; SM: Spikelet meristem; FZP: Frizzy Panicle; BFL1: Branched Floretless1; APO: Aberrant Panicle Organization; RFL: Rice LFY Homolog; CPB1: Clustered Primary Branch 1; Ghd8: Grain number, Plant height, and Heading date 8; MOC1: MONOCULM 1; RCN: Reduced Culm Number; OsMADS: Oryza sativa MADS-box gene; PAP2: Panicle phytomer 2; TAW1: Regulator of Rice Inflorescence Architecture, TAWAWA1; SPL: Squamosa Promoter Binding Protein Like; miR: microRNA
图5 水稻枝梗的伸长生长^IB: 花序枝梗; DEP2: Dense and Erect Panicle 2; EP2: Erect Panicle 2; SRS1: Small and Round Seed 1; SP1: Short Panicle 1
Figure 5 Elongation growth of rice branch^IB: Inflorescence branch; DEP2: Dense and Erect Panicle 2; EP2: Erect Panicle 2; SRS1: Small and Round Seed 1; SP1: Short Panicle 1
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