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Advances in the Application of Single-cell Transcriptomics in Plant Growth, Development and Stress Response

  • YU Ya-Ping ,
  • FU Wen-Quan ,
  • BO Yu-E
  • College of Forestry, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 010019

Received date: 2024-03-29

  Revised date: 2024-07-22

  Online published: 2024-08-19


Single-cell transcriptomics has improved the spatiotemporal resolution from multi-cell to single-cell levels, and notable progress in this technique has facilitated the identification of new rare cell types, exploration of intercellular heterogeneity, and mapping of cell developmental trajectories. Single-cell transcriptomics is currently being widely used in various research fields such as plant growth and development, stress response, and environmental adaptability, which helps to more thoroughly and precisely uncover the molecular regulatory mechanisms underlying plant life processes. However, there are numerous challenges associated with the study and analysis of different plant species. In this review, we compare and evaluate various single-cell transcription techniques and processes, summarize recent years of plant single-cell studies, and explore new single-cell analysis tools to support researchers who study plant biology with high precision and dynamics. In addition, we propose future directions for using single-cell transcriptomics technologies to address some of the key challenges in plant research and breeding. Furthermore, some important methods for addressing plant research and breeding with single-cell transcriptomics are discussed, along with their difficulties and potential applications.

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YU Ya-Ping , FU Wen-Quan , BO Yu-E . Advances in the Application of Single-cell Transcriptomics in Plant Growth, Development and Stress Response[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2025 , 60(1) : 1 -0 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB24048

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