Halo-tag Labeling Technology and It’s Application in Plant Living Cell Imaging
Received date: 2022-09-29
Accepted date: 2023-01-28
Online published: 2023-02-10
The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms, its complex internal organizational structure, interaction and process dynamics determine the life form and life process of the entire organism. The study of cell structure and function in the living state is of great significance for exploring and grasping the essence of life. With the continuous advances in science and technology, a series of new live cell labeling technologies have been innovated. In recent years, the Halo-tag labeling technology has gradually been developed into a widely used new molecular labeling technology, playing an increasingly important role in the field of living cell imaging analysis and tracking research. It has been gradually applied in plant cell imaging. In this review, we focus on the definition, classification and development process of Halo-tag technology, and introduce the reaction mechanism of the dehydrohalogenation of Halo-tag labeling technology and the types of fluorescent ligands in detail. Finally, we introduce the latest progress of this technology in the application of living cell imaging in plants is emphatically expounded from three aspects: observing the fine localization of molecules, tracking the real-time motion of molecules and detecting the interactions between molecules. Taken together, this study provides theoretical foundation and technical support for the potential application of the subsequent Halo-tag labeling technology in plants.
Hongping Qian, Pengyun Luo, Shuai Liu, Changwen Xu, Jinhuan Yin, Yaning Cui, Jinxing Lin . Halo-tag Labeling Technology and It’s Application in Plant Living Cell Imaging[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2023 , 58(3) : 475 -485 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB22227
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