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[an error occurred while processing this directive]Construction of Molecular ID Card of Core Germplasm of Hog Millet (Panicum miliaceum) in Shanxi
Received date: 2022-08-06
Accepted date: 2023-01-10
Online published: 2023-01-10
In order to quickly identify Panicum miliaceum resources, a molecular label/ID detection platform was established. In this experiment, 272 core germplasms of hog millet in Shanxi province were used as research materials, and 85 pairs of SSR primers were used as detection tools. ID Analysis 4.0 software was used to construct the DNA molecular ID of the materials. The main results were as follows: out of the 85 pairs of SSR primers that were screened, and 20 pairs of primer combinations (RYW67, RYW53, RYW37, RYW65, RYW62, RYW77, RYW5, RYW49, RYW84, RYW19, RYW11, RYW40, RYW54, RYW28, RYW31, RYW7, RYW16, RYW8, RYW9, and RYW18) could distinguish 272 materials. A total of 60 alleles (Na) were detected, with an average of 3 distinct alleles per locus. Shannon diversity index (I) was 0.957 8 (RYW16)-1.096 7 (RYW5), with an average of 1.055 2. The polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.604 4 (RYW77)-0.753 0 (RYW37), with an average of 0.692 1. The 20 pairs of primers were used to construct the string, bar code and two-dimensional code DNA molecular identity card of Shanxi hog millet core germplasm, providing a practical way for germplasm identification and traceability management.
Key words: hog millet; core germplasm; molecular identity card; Shanxi; simple sequence repeat
Yuzhuo Wang, Yuanxiang Lin, Yapeng Xue, Zhengyong Duan, Xiaodan Wang, Ling Chen, Xiaoning Cao, Ruiyun Wang, Zhijun Qiao . Construction of Molecular ID Card of Core Germplasm of Hog Millet (Panicum miliaceum) in Shanxi[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2023 , 58(1) : 159 -168 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB22188
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