Progress and Future Development of Forage Germplasm Conservation in China

  • The National Animal Husbandry Services, Beijing 100125, China

Received date: 2022-08-05

  Accepted date: 2022-11-15

  Online published: 2022-11-15


This paper briefly introduced the status of forage germplasm conservation in China on several aspects, including its development history, work content and current work progress, in order to raise public awareness and attendance about forage germplasm resource protection and seed reproduction and multiplication. Finally, we put forward specific suggestions for the development of forage germplasm conservation in the future on the collection strategy, how to effectively utilize the existing resources and germplasm distributing and sharing policy, so as to provide guidance for the related work in the future.

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Jun Hong, Hongtian Su . Progress and Future Development of Forage Germplasm Conservation in China[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2022 , 57(6) : 725 -731 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB22187


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