Research Progress on Genetics and Breeding of Rice Roots
Received date: 2020-02-10
Accepted date: 2020-04-26
Online published: 2020-04-27
As an important part of rice (Oryza sativa), the root system plays multiple roles in rice growth, including plant fixation, water and nutrients acquisition, amino acid and hormone biosynthesis. Root morphological structure and physiological function are closely related to rice yield and quality, and resistance. So far, many QTLs and genes regulating rice root system have been identified through genetic and biochemical approaches. In this paper, we summarized current progress on the study of rice root system-related QTLs and genes and the future research direction, so as to provide a reference for further screening and cloning root related genes and improving the model of ideal plant architecture of rice.
Key words: rice; root system; QTL mapping; control gene
Yilan Zhang, Xue Lin, Yi Wu, Mengjia Li, Shengjie Zhang, Mei Lu, Yuchun Rao, Yuexing Wang . Research Progress on Genetics and Breeding of Rice Roots[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2020 , 55(3) : 382 -393 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB20021
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