Received date: 2019-01-21
Accepted date: 2019-04-23
Online published: 2019-04-29
Developmentally regulated plasma membrane polypeptide (DREPP) proteins, a family of plant-specific proteins associated with the plasma membrane, have multiple functions such as combining PtdInsPs, the Ca 2+/CaM complex, microtubules and microfilaments. DREPPs play an important role in plant growth and development and response to stress (e.g., low temperature and drought). This paper reviews the composition of the DREPP family as well as their protein sequence characteristics and biological functions during development and stress response and provides information for understanding how DREPPs mediate signaling networks.
Key words: DREPP; plant development; abiotic stress
Xun Zhang,Juanjuan Yu,Sizhu Wang,Ying Li,Shaojun Dai . Research Advances in DREPP Gene Family in Plants[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2019 , 54(5) : 582 -595 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB19014
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