Research Progress on Constituents, Histochemical Characteristics and Biosynthesis of Suberin
# Co-first authors
Received date: 2016-04-01
Accepted date: 2016-06-24
Online published: 2017-05-27
Located between the cell wall and plasma membrane as a secondary metabolite, suberin typically distributes in rhizodermis and the boundary tissue of stems. Based on glycerol, suberin is a heteropolymer composed of polya- liphatics and polyaromatics, and it could slow the outflow of water and nutrient substance, limit pathogen invasion and prevent toxic gas from diffusing to plants. Recently, with people’s focus on the storage and processing of fruits and vegetables, as well plant resistance, the research in suberin is increasing, especially in the aspects of metabolic enzymes and corresponding genes and the metabolite’s function. In this paper, we elaborate the research progress in suberin histochemistry, the biosynthesis pathway as well related enzymes and genes. We introduce recent advances in the transport of suberin components intracellularly and to the cell wall, polymer assembly, and the regulation of suberin deposition and present the research development of suberin physiological function. This research is expected to provide significant information for further research and application of suberin.
Xueyuan Han, Linchun Mao . Research Progress on Constituents, Histochemical Characteristics and Biosynthesis of Suberin[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2017 , 52(3) : 358 -374 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB16068
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