We have developed an efficient leaf-burning method to observe epidermal cells of tea which are highly lignified in cell walls. With this method, the clear shape of the upper and lower epidermis cells can be observed after several steps of burning and rinsing. After treatment, the upper and lower epidermis cells can automatically separate and hyalinize. This method is easy to use, saves time, distinguishes the upper from the lower side of plant epidermis and has high reliability and stability. The epidermal characteristics of the lignified leaves can be accurately and quickly determined for botany and ecology research.
Qinghan Wu, Qingfang Zhao, Hui Zhu, Ruijun Ma
. A Method to Improve Sample Preparation for Observing Epidermis of Highly Lignified Leaf[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2012
, 47(4)
: 422
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2012.00422
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