An Online, Batch, and Real-time Retrieval Platform for Genomic Sequences and Annotation of Horticultural Plants
? These authors contributed equally to this paper
Received date: 2014-06-18
Accepted date: 2014-12-26
Online published: 2015-04-08
The genomes of a large number of horticultural plants have been or are being sequenced. The genomic sequences and annotated data have greatly promoted functional genomics research. To provide a batch-retrieval platform of sub-data for researchers, we developed a bioinformatics tool called Online, Batch, and Real-time Retrieve Platform (OBRRP). The program can be used to retrieve special genomic subsequences or sub-annotations from databases for grape, peach, strawberry, cucumber, watermelon, tomato, orange, apple, kiwifruit, potato, banana, and Arabidopsis. Also, it can be extended to other species by using Gbrowser with its genomic database. OBRRP is a convenient, online, real-time, batch retrieval tool and is available at
Changqing Zhang, Lingfei Shangguan, Hailing Li, Jin Wang . An Online, Batch, and Real-time Retrieval Platform for Genomic Sequences and Annotation of Horticultural Plants[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2015 , 50(3) : 388 -393 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2015.00388
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