Cheilosoria Trevis. (Cheilanthoid, Pteridaceae), is a controversial genus in terms of its phylogenetic taxonomy. In this paper we reconstructed its phylogeny based on four chloroplast DNA sequence fragments (rbcL/matK/ rps4/rps4-trnS) using maximum likelihood methods and Bayesian analysis. The main results are as follows. The genus Cheilosoria Trevis. is not monophyletic. Except Cheilosoria tenuifolia (Burm. f.) Trevis., species of Cheilosoria Trevis. from the Old World were all nested within the Asian Cheilanthes group, forming different subclades with the species of Aleuritopteris Fée etc. Moreover, their spore morphology is heterogenetic. C. tenuifolia (Burm. f.) Trevis. was distantly related to other species of Asian Cheilosoria Trevis. C. tenuifolia (Burm. f.) Trevis. and Notholaena hirsuta (Poir.) Desv. formed a fully supported clade (BP=100%), so the two species may have an Oceania origin and belong to another group. The American species of Cheilosoria allosuroides (Mett.) Trevis. is distantly related to those from the Old World and may represent separate evolutionary lines.
Wan Wang, Wenli Yang, Ping Dou, Gangmin Zhang
. Phylogenetic Analysis of Cheilosoria Trevis. Based on Four Chloroplast DNA Sequences[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2015
, 50(3)
: 310
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2015.00310
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