ygenase that epoxidizes gibberellins in a novel deactivation reaction in rice
? These authors contributed equally to this paper
Received date: 2014-02-19
Accepted date: 2014-08-25
Online published: 2015-04-09
We analyzed the main agronomy traits and genetic basis of three advanced backcross substitution lines (C031, C108 and C115) derived from an indica recipient, 9311 and a japonica donor, Nipponbare. Compared with 9311, the three substitution lines showed significant differences in panicle neck length and plant height. In addition, C031 and 9311 differed in grain number per panicle and grain weight. Genetic background detection showed that C031 and C115 contain two substituted segments from Nippobare, while C108 contains three segments. Genetic analysis indicated that the ratios of panicle neck length in three F2 segregating populations were all controlled by a single Mendelian factor, and their additive effects were 3.09, 3.05 and -2.04, respectively. Linkage analysis showed that the molecular markers from substituted segments of C031 and C108 were not linked with their segregating populations. Markers on chromosome 12 from substituted segments of C115 linked well with its segregating population, so the gene controlling panicle neck length in C115 is located on chromosome 12 and named qPNL-12. These results provide useful information for mapping and cloning new rice genes controlling panicle neck elongation.
Chunfang Zhao, Xintao Qiang, Yadong Zhang, Zhen Zhu, Tao Chen, Qingyong Zhao, Lihui Zhou, Shu Yao, Xin Yu, Cailin Wang . ygenase that epoxidizes gibberellins in a novel deactivation reaction in rice[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2015 , 50(1) : 32 -39 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2015.00032
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