Advances in Plasma Membrane Ion Channels of Plant Cells
Received date: 2018-01-24
Accepted date: 2018-05-21
Online published: 2019-07-31
Multiple ions, including cations and anions, are involved in growth, development, reproduction and stress responses as essential nutrients, osmotic components, cofactors of proteins and signaling molecules in plants. Ion channels localized in the plasma membrane and endomembrane of plant cells are essential tunnels and dynamic regulators of ion flux across biological membranes and are involved in the direct regulation of ion homeostasis in plant cells. A large number of ion channels have been identified in diverse plant species, especially in the model plant Arabidopsis, in recent years. Many ion channels are localized in the plasma membrane, and their protein structure, ion selectivity and permeability, gating patterns, activity-regulating mechanisms and the functional coordinating mechanisms between different ion channels have been analyzed. In this review, we summarize the research progress on the plasma membrane ion channels of plant cells and discuss the outstanding questions.
Key words: ions; ion flux across membrane; ion channels; plasma membrane; plant cells
Yanqiu Tan,Shujing Sun,Jingyun Dong,Wei Xu,Lingling Wang,Yongfei Wang . Advances in Plasma Membrane Ion Channels of Plant Cells[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2019 , 54(1) : 102 -118 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB18022
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