Response of Radial Growth of Populus euphratica to Runoff in the Tarim River
Received date: 2017-11-09
Online published: 2018-08-06
Taking the Populus euphratica forest in the main stream of the Tarim River as the research object, the two sections of the Puman reservoir and Kanbaierwusitan were selected to analyze the characteristics of the radial growth of P. euphratica in the middle reaches of the upper reaches of the Tarim River. The runoff data from cross sections were selected and the response of the radial growth of P. euphratica to the dynamic change of runoff was studied by wavelet analysis and correlation analysis. In the Puman reservoir-Xinqiman section, the basal area increment (BAI) for P. euphratica and the runoff scale all oscillated in a 15-24 year time, and the year of the runoff concussion was earlier than the BAI oscillation year. In the Kanbaierwusitan-Yingbazha section, the BAI for P. euphratica and the runoff scale all oscillated in a 10-20 year time, and the year of the runoff concussion was earlier than the BAI oscillation year. In the main stream of the Tarim River, runoff was one of the main factors limiting the radial growth of P. euphratica. The BAI for P. euphratica was significantly correlated with runoff from November of the previous year to March of this year. In the midstream of the Tarim River, The BAI for P. euphratica was significantly correlated with the runoff from December of the previous year to March of this year. The sensitivity of P. euphratica BAI to runoff variation in different sections of Tarim River differed. In the upstream sampling area of the Tarim River, a reasonable runoff reached 1.334 0×108 m3, and P. euphratica grew well. The range of optimal radial flow of P. euphratica growth in the sampling area was 0.380 3×108 -1.205 6×108 m3 in the middle reaches of the Tarim River.
Gou Xiaoxia, Ye Mao, Wang Liangliang, Gou Xiaohong . Response of Radial Growth of Populus euphratica to Runoff in the Tarim River[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2018 , 53(6) : 801 -811 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB17212
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