Relationship Between Drought Resistance Evaluated by Comprehensive Subordinate Function Values and AhNCED1 Expression in Peanut Varieties
Received date: 2015-01-09
Revised date: 2015-05-13
Online published: 2015-09-06
We used comprehensive subordinate function values to assess drought resistance of eight representative peanut varieties and simultaneously analyzed the expression of AhNCED1 in peanut leaves under drought stress. We discuss the relation between drought resistance of different peanut varieties and the expression of AhNCED1 with the result of comprehensive subordinate function values. We established a molecular method to qualify the grade of drought resistance of peanut in seedling period by using quantitative PCR to test the expression of AhNCED1 and filter the peanut varieties with drought resistance. AhNCED1 expression increased rapidly after drought treatment for 2 h, which was related to drought resistance of peanuts. After drought treatment for 12 h, the expression decreased and was higher than the control. The comprehensive subordinate function values reflect the resistance order of different peanuts: Huayu 24>Fuhua 13>Yueyou 7>Zhonghua 15>Zhonghua 16>Hanghua 2>Fuhua 9>Beihai 1. AhNCED1 expression after water stress treatment for 2 h reflects the resistance order: Fuhua 13>Huayu 24>Zhonghua 16>Zhonghua 15>Hanghua 2>Yueyou 7>Beihai 1>Fuhua 9. Fuhua 9 and Beihai 1 are weaker in drought resistance and Huayu 24 and Fuhua 13 are stronger. As well, under drought stress, peanut drought resistance is positively correlated with the expression of Ah-NCED1 in leaves. We can filter peanut varieties with stronger drought resistance by testing the expression of AhNCED1.
Haitao Long, Limei Li, Zehong Xie, Shuai Liu, Xiaoyun Li, Bin Deng, Haiyan Liu, Ling Li . Relationship Between Drought Resistance Evaluated by Comprehensive Subordinate Function Values and AhNCED1 Expression in Peanut Varieties[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2015 , 50(6) : 706 -712 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB15001
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