Identification and Gene Mapping of a Fragile and Leaf-tip Dead Mutant fld1 in Oryza sativa

  • Rice Research Institute/Chongqing Key Laboratory of Application and Safety Control of Genetically Modified Crops, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, China

Received date: 2013-08-27

  Revised date: 2014-03-17

  Online published: 2014-11-21

Supported by

Natural Science Foundation of China


A fragile and leaf-tip dead mutant, fld1, was identified from the progeny of the restorer line Jinhui10 with seeds treated with ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). The mutant showed stable inherited traits of brittleness as well as dry and withered leaf tip throughout development. Besides showing significantly decreased mechanism strength, in fld1, cellulose and lignin content in culm occupied only 67.92% and 50.16% of that in the wild type, for a significant difference. The content of photosynthetic pigment was lower in fld1 than the wild type, as was that of carotenoid. Photosynthetic parameters of photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs) and transpiration rate (Tr) were lower and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) were higher in fld1 than the wild type. The mutational traits of brittleness and dead leaf-tip were co-segregated and controlled by one recessive nuclear gene. The FLD1 gene was mapped on chromosome 9 between Indel markers Ind09-2 and Ind09-3 with 215 kb physical distance with F2 groups of Xinong 1A/fld1 and fld1/Nipponbare. The restricted region has 33 annotated genes. These results provide a stable foundation for FLD1 gene cloning and its application in molecular breeding.

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Yudong Jiang, Peilong He, Hongxiang Liao, Xiaobo Zhang, Guochao Wu, Guanghua He, Tingting Lin, Xianchun Sang . Identification and Gene Mapping of a Fragile and Leaf-tip Dead Mutant fld1 in Oryza sativa[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2014 , 49(6) : 663 -671 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2014.00663


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