Progress in Inorganic Nitrogen Transport Proteins and Their Phosphorylation Regulatory Mechanism in Arabidopsis
Received date: 2014-12-30
Accepted date: 2015-05-11
Online published: 2016-02-01
Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient element. Its supply and demand imbalance would seriously affect plant growth and development. Inorganic N (nitrate and ammonium radical) is the major N source in plant, with assimilation and transportation depending on synergistic action of various transport proteins. The activity of some inorganic N transporters is regulated at the post-translation level by phosphorylation. This review describes a global picture of the inorganic N transporters including their classification, molecular structure, location and biological function in Arabidopsis. The phosphorylation regulatory mechanisms of some inorganic N transporters are mainly discussed.
Key words: nitrogen; nitrate radical; ammonium radical; transport proteins; phosphorylation
Xi Zhang, Jinxing Lin, Xiaoyi Shan . Progress in Inorganic Nitrogen Transport Proteins and Their Phosphorylation Regulatory Mechanism in Arabidopsis[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2016 , 51(1) : 120 -129 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB14222
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