We aimed to develop a micropropagation protocol for regenerating tissue in halophilous Sesuvium portulacastrum and improving its basis for biotechnology study. The leaves, shoots and axillary buds were used as explants to induce calli, shoots and roots on different media. The highest efficiency of callus induction was from leaf disc, then stem and axillary bud. The optimal media for inducing calli, shoots and roots from leaves was a base of MS+3% sucrose with 2.0 mg·L–12, 4-D+0.5 mg·L–16-BA; 1.0 mg·L–12, 4-D+0.2 mg·L–16-BA; and 0.1% active carbon, respectively. The survival rate of the cultured seedlings was up to 80% on soil.
Longbin Shen;Ruijun Duan;Jianchun Guo*;Shaoping Fu
. Tissue Regeneration in Sesuvium portulacastrum[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2010
, 45(01)
: 91
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3466.2010.01.013