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[an error occurred while processing this directive]拟南芥光敏色素突变体种子萌发的光温敏感性
收稿日期: 2024-01-15
录用日期: 2024-07-14
网络出版日期: 2024-07-18
Photothermal Sensitivity of Phytochrome Mutants During Seed Germination in Arabidopsis thaliana
Received date: 2024-01-15
Accepted date: 2024-07-14
Online published: 2024-07-18
为阐明光敏色素家族基因突变对拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)种子萌发时环境适应性的影响, 以野生型(Col-0)种子为对照, 对比了phyA、phyB、phyC、phyD和phyE单突变体种子在12种光温环境下萌发率的差异。结果表明, phyA突变体种子适应在红光下萌发, 而不适应在远红光和高温(35°C)下萌发。phyB突变体种子适应在白光和远红光背景下的低温(15°C)和适温(25°C)下萌发; 而不适应在高温(35°C)下萌发。phyC突变体种子适应在除白光35°C以外的11种光温环境下萌发。phyD或phyE突变体种子适应在低温(15°C)和适温(25°C)下萌发, 而不适应在高温(35°C)下萌发; 适应在红光和白光下萌发, 而不适应在黑暗和远红光下萌发。5个成员中, phyB、phyC和phyD的突变体种子可能丧失光温整合能力, 而phyA和phyE的突变体种子未丧失光温整合能力。综上, 光敏色素家族基因突变导致种子萌发对光、温和光×温的适应性改变, 通过靶向修饰光敏色素家族基因可提升种子萌发对不同生态环境的适应性。
罗燕 , 刘奇源 , 吕元兵 , 吴越 , 田耀宇 , 安田 , 李振华 . 拟南芥光敏色素突变体种子萌发的光温敏感性[J]. 植物学报, 2024 , 59(5) : 752 -762 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB24008
The phytochrome gene family play a critical role in mediating photothermal responses during Arabidopsis thaliana seed germination. Here we evaluated the germination rates of phyA, phyB, phyC, phyD, and phyE single mutants under 12 different light and temperature regimes, using wild-type (Col-0) seeds as controls. Our results indicate that phyA mutant seeds germinate under red light but are inhibited under far-red light and high temperatures (35°C). phyB mutant seeds germinate at low (15°C) and moderate (25°C) temperatures under both white light and far-red light, but not at high temperatures (35°C). phyC mutant seeds show consistent germination across all conditions except under white light at high temperature (35°C). Both phyD and phyE mutant seeds germinate at low (15°C) and moderate (25°C) temperatures, and under red and white light, but not at high (35°C) temperature, darkness or far-red light. These observations suggest that phyB, phyC, and phyD mutants may have impaired integration of light and temperature cues, whereas phyA and phyE mutants appear to maintain this integrative function. Overall, our findings demonstrate that mutations in phytochrome genes can modify seed germination adaptability to varying environmental conditions.
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