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  • 陈文娜 ,
  • 李良涛 ,
  • 周璐 ,
  • 姚纲
  • 1河北工程大学园林与生态工程学院, 邯郸 056038
    2华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院, 广州 510642
*姚纲, 华南农业大学副教授, 博士。主要研究方向为被子植物经典分类与系统演化; 主持科研项目8项(含国家自然科学基金2项); 发表研究论文60余篇, 其中多篇论文以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表在Annals of Botany、BMC Biology、Frontiers in Plant Science、Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution和Plant Diversity等植物学或生物学主流期刊。E-mail: gyao@scau.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2023-11-29

  录用日期: 2024-05-04

  网络出版日期: 2024-05-07



Recent Uplift of the Taihang Mountains Triggered the Lineage Diversification within the Genus Taihangia (Rosaceae)

  • Wenna Chen ,
  • Liangtao Li ,
  • Lu Zhou ,
  • Gang Yao
  • 1College of Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan 056038, China
    2College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China

Received date: 2023-11-29

  Accepted date: 2024-05-04

  Online published: 2024-05-07


太行花属(Taihangia)是分布于太行山南段的蔷薇科特有属, 含1种(太行花(T. rupestris)) 2变种(太行花原变种(T. rupestris var. rupestris)与缘毛太行花(T. rupestris var. ciliate))。然而, 这2个变种的分类地位尚存争议, 且该属的演化历史研究较欠缺。采用质体系统发生基因组学手段构建了太行花属系统发生树, 结合分化时间估算对该属起源演化时间进行推断。结果表明, 太行花属是1个获得很高支持的单系, 太行花2个变种各自形成很好的单系, 支持二者各自独立的分类地位。分化时间估算结果表明, 太行花属在上新世-更新世边界附近时期约2.6×106年前开始分化, 2个变种内部谱系分支间的分化则主要发生在更新世后期。结合太行山南段在不同地质时期的隆升历史, 认为太行山南段在上新世与更新世期间的快速隆升可能很大程度地促进了太行花属不同谱系分支的分化。研究结果不仅深化了对太行花属植物演化历史的认识, 还为山体隆升促进山地类群多样性形成提供了新的研究案例。


陈文娜 , 李良涛 , 周璐 , 姚纲 . 太行山近期隆升促进太行花属(蔷薇科)谱系分化[J]. 植物学报, 2024 , 59(5) : 763 -773 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB23159


Taihangia is a monotypic genus of the Rosaceae and endemic to the southern part of Taihang Mountains. Two varieties (T. rupestris var. rupestris and T. rupestris var. ciliate) are circumscribed currently under the species T. rupestris. However, the taxonomic status of these two varieties is still controversial and very few studies on the evolutionary history of this genus. In this study, a plastid phylogenomic analysis of Taihangia was conducted and the temporal evolutionary history of the genus was investigated. The results showed that the monophyly of the genus and also the two varieties were all recovered with strong support. In addition, the genus started to diverge at ca. 2.60 million years ago (Ma) near the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary, and diversification events within the two varieties were estimated mostly during the late Pleistocene, which is highly consistent in time scale with the recent uplift of the southern part of the Taihang Mountains that occurred during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Thus, we propose that the uplift of the southern part of Taihang Mountains may have played an important role in triggering the lineage diversification within the genus Taihangia. The present study not only enhances our understanding on the evolutionary history of Taihangia, but also provides a case study in understanding the relationship between diversification of plant lineages and mountains uplifting occurred in Asia.

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