

  • 张锋 ,
  • Richard Dormatey ,
  • 刘寅笃 ,
  • 李成举 ,
  • 王云姣 ,
  • 张春利 ,
  • 张莹 ,
  • 范又方 ,
  • 姚攀锋 ,
  • 毕真真 ,
  • 刘玉汇 ,
  • 白江平 ,
  • 孙超
  • 甘肃农业大学农学院/干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室/甘肃省作物遗传改良与种质创新重点实验室, 兰州 730070
*白江平, 甘肃农业大学农学院教授, 博士生导师, 中国作物学会常务理事, 全国农业生化与分子生物学学会常务理事, 中国欧美同学会第八届理事会理事。2020年受聘于农业农村部国家马铃薯产业体系岗位科学家。主要研究方向为马铃薯遗传育种、作物逆境生理及分子生物学。研究团队利用遗传学、基因组学、蛋白质组学以及计算机科学等手段, 选育优质马铃薯抗旱种质资源并解析其品种改良的基础遗传学规律, 精细定位重要农艺性状的遗传控制位点, 通过优化全基因组选择模型以及应用基因组编辑技术开发新一代植物育种体系。E-mail: baijp@gsau.edu.cn;

收稿日期: 2023-08-09

  录用日期: 2023-11-14

  网络出版日期: 2023-12-04



Screening and Evaluation of Phosphite-tolerant Potatoes

  • Feng Zhang ,
  • Richard Dormatey ,
  • Yindu Liu ,
  • Chengju Li ,
  • Yunjiao Wang ,
  • Chunli Zhang ,
  • Ying Zhang ,
  • Youfang Fan ,
  • Panfeng Yao ,
  • Zhenzhen Bi ,
  • Yuhui Liu ,
  • Jiangping Bai ,
  • Chao Sun
  • Gansu Key Lab of Crop Improvement & Germplasm Enhancement/State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science/College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China

Received date: 2023-08-09

  Accepted date: 2023-11-14

  Online published: 2023-12-04


磷是植物生长发育不可或缺的营养元素之一, 正磷酸盐(P)在土壤中含量丰富, 但由于土壤的固定作用, 其中能被植物吸收利用的有效磷含量并不高, 提高植物对土壤磷的吸收利用能力, 或优化磷肥施用, 已成为亟待解决的问题。土壤中亚磷酸盐(PH)的含量仅次于正磷酸盐, 其具有更高的溶解度, 可在植物木质部与韧皮部之间进行双向运输, 不易被土壤固定, 但亚磷酸盐作为磷肥替代正磷酸盐和选育耐亚磷酸盐作物品种的研究鲜有报道。基于此, 该研究选取5份引进的马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)品种和1个商业品种青薯9号(QS9)为实验材料, 经驯化炼苗后直接栽入试验田, 设置正常磷肥处理和亚磷酸盐替代处理, 测定不同品种的表型、光合作用效率和干物质等指标, 以各单项耐亚磷酸盐系数(PTC)为衡量依据, 利用主成分分析等方法对不同马铃薯品种的PH耐性进行综合评价。结果表明, 6个马铃薯品种可分为高度耐亚磷酸盐型(C115和D13)、弱耐亚磷酸盐型(C20、C31和QS9)和亚磷酸盐敏感型(C80) 3类。该研究评价了不同马铃薯品种对亚磷酸盐的耐受性, 旨在为马铃薯耐亚磷酸盐品种选育和亚磷酸盐新型肥料开发提供科学依据。


张锋 , Richard Dormatey , 刘寅笃 , 李成举 , 王云姣 , 张春利 , 张莹 , 范又方 , 姚攀锋 , 毕真真 , 刘玉汇 , 白江平 , 孙超 . 耐亚磷酸盐马铃薯的筛选与评价[J]. 植物学报, 2024 , 59(4) : 544 -557 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB23108


Phosphorus is one of the indispensable nutrients for plant growth and development. Orthophosphate (P) content in the soil is particularly rich, but due to the fixation of the soil, the effective phosphorus content that can be absorbed and utilized by plants is not high. Therefore improving the absorption and utilization capacity of plants to soil phosphorus, or optimizing the application of phosphate fertilizer has become an urgent problem that needs to be solved. The content of phosphite (PH) in soil is second only after orthophosphate, which has the characteristics of higher solubili- ty, two-way transport between plant xylem and phloem, but is not easy to be fixed by soil. Research on phosphite as phosphate fertilizer to replace orthophosphate fertilizer and phosphite-tolerant crop varieties breeding has rarely been reported. Therefore, in this study, five introduced potato (Solanum tuberosum) genotypes and one commercial variety Qingshu No.9 (QS9) were selected as research materials, and the seedlings were directly planted into the test field after domestication and refining, and normal phosphate fertilizer treatment and phosphite substitution treatment were set up to determine the phenotype, photosynthesis, dry matter and other indicators of different genotypes. Moreover, the phosphite tolerant coefficient (PTC) of each indicator was used as the measurement basis. Comprehensive evaluation of the PH resistance of different potato genotypes was conducted based on principal component analysis and other methods. The obtained results showed that the six potato varieties can be classified into three types: highly phosphite-tolerant (C115, and D13), weakly phosphite-tolerant (C20, C31, and QS9) and phosphite-sensitive (C80). This study evaluated the tole- rance of different potato genotypes to phosphite, thus providing scientific basis for the selection of phosphite-tolerant varieties and the development of new phosphite fertilizers.


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