收稿日期: 2022-09-21
录用日期: 2023-02-28
网络出版日期: 2023-03-10
The Variation of Reciprocal Herkogamy in Five Distylous Populations of Goniolimon speciosum in Xinjiang
Received date: 2022-09-21
Accepted date: 2023-02-28
Online published: 2023-03-10
任登芙, 翟雅芯, 张爱勤 . 新疆5个驼舌草二型花柱居群交互式雌雄异位的变异[J]. 植物学报, 2023 , 58(5) : 733 -742 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB22225
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