鱼和熊掌的选择: 反向重复序列变异介导的玉米环境适应与产量平衡
收稿日期: 2022-04-29
录用日期: 2022-05-12
网络出版日期: 2022-11-25
Choice of both Ways: Variations of Reverted Repeats Balance Environmental Adaptation and Yield in Maize
Received date: 2022-04-29
Accepted date: 2022-05-12
Online published: 2022-11-25
作物育种的目标是找到产量和抗性的最佳平衡点, 其中涉及“鱼和熊掌”二者兼得的选择策略。哪些逆境负调控位点影响产量性状, 以及如何调控等是突破育种瓶颈的重要科学问题。近百年来, 高产玉米(Zea mays)育种使玉米单产不断提高, 同时现代玉米品种对干旱的敏感性也呈现出增强趋势, 故而存在高产稳产的潜在风险。可对于这一现象背后确切的遗传机制却知之甚少, 从而限制了既高产又高抗玉米新品种的培育。玉米的非生物胁迫抗性与产量性状均为多基因控制的复杂数量性状, 涉及全基因组范围内大量基因的表达与调控。玉米基因组内存在大量的小RNA (sRNA), 其对基因表达起精细调控作用, 但人们对sRNA调控作物环境胁迫应答与产量性状机制的理解仍然有限。近日, 华中农业大学代明球课题组与李林和李峰两个课题组合作, 基于对338份玉米关联群体在不同环境下的sRNA表达组分析, 鉴定到大量干旱应答的sRNA, 以及调控这些sRNA表达的遗传位点(eQTL); 并克隆了8号染色体上1个干旱特异性eQTL热点DRESH8。生物信息学分析显示, DRESH8是1个由转座子组成的长度约为21.4 kb的反向重复序列(TE-IR)。DRESH8通过产生小干扰RNA (siRNA)介导抗旱基因的转录后沉默, 并间接抑制产量负调控因子的表达, 在负调控干旱应答的同时正调控产量性状。进一步研究发现, DRESH8在玉米驯化和改良过程中受到了人工选择。据此, 他们认为DRESH8可能是玉米平衡抗旱性和产量的关键遗传位点。该研究在全基因组水平上揭示了作物调控产量和环境胁迫抗性平衡的关键遗传机制, 同时也鉴定到大量IR位点, 为未来“高抗、高产”玉米设计育种提供了有价值的操控靶点。
王雷, 种康 . 鱼和熊掌的选择: 反向重复序列变异介导的玉米环境适应与产量平衡[J]. 植物学报, 2022 , 57(5) : 555 -558 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB22094
Optimal Balance between high yield and stress tolerance is the goal of breeding, which is related to the strategy in choice of both ways. The questions such as which negative regulators of stress tolerance affect yield and how they function are important issues for breeding. Over the past century, owing to the breeding of high-yield varieties, the maize yield has been tremendously increased, but this is accompanied with the increased sensitivity to environmental stresses, and the genetic mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remains elusive. This restricts the breeding of maize cultivars with both high yield and stress tolerance. Both yield traits and stress tolerance are complex quantitative traits, determined by the expression and regulation of a large number of genes. Small RNAs (sRNAs) are important gene expression regulators, and they are generated in large quantities from the maize genome. But the mechanisms underlying their regulation on crop stress responses and yield traits remain largely elusive. Recently, the group of Prof. Mingqiu Dai, collaborated with the groups of Prof. Lin Li and Prof. Feng Li at Huazhong Agricultural University, identified about ten-thousands of drought-responsive sRNAs and eQTLs associated with the expression of these sRNAs, by analyzing the sRNAome and transcriptome of a maize panel consisting 338 natural inbred lines grown under different environment conditions. They cloned an eQTL hotspot named DRESH8, which is a Transposable Element-mediated Inverted Repeat (TE-IR) in a length of about 21.4 kb. Genetic and molecular evidence showed that DRESH8-derived siRNAs directly inhibit the expression of the drought-resistant genes via a post-transcriptional silencing mechanism, and indirectly inhibit the expression of negative regulators of yield-related traits, thus negatively regulating drought response and positively regulate yield-related traits. Further analysis demonstrated that DRESH8 was selected during maize domestication and improvement. Their findings suggest that DRESH8 is a key genetic locus that balances maize yield and drought tolerance, and that IR-mediated balance between maize yield and drought resistance may be a universal mechanism. This study thus revealed a key genetic mechanism underlying balancing crop yield and environmental stress resistance at a genome-wide level, and provided a large number of valuable IR loci for breeding new maize varieties with both high yield and stress tolerance via genetic engineering approaches in the future.
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