收稿日期: 2020-09-14
录用日期: 2020-11-11
网络出版日期: 2020-11-11
Advances in the Molecular Mechanism and Genetic Regulation of Grain-filling Rate in Rice
† These authors contributed equally to this paper
Received date: 2020-09-14
Accepted date: 2020-11-11
Online published: 2020-11-11
水稻(Oryza sativa)的高产优质是我国粮食安全的重要保障, 也是育种家一直追求的目标。水稻籽粒灌浆速率(GFR)是一个重要而复杂的农艺性状, 直接影响籽粒充实度、粒重和米质。目前, 快速灌浆的优良水稻品种缺乏, 可供育种利用的相关优异基因资源有限, 已成为制约水稻产量和品质进一步提高的瓶颈。相对于水稻的其它农艺性状, GFR具有复杂的时空动态和环境可变性, 相关研究长期围绕灌浆过程的生理生化特性和栽培措施展开, 而分子机制和遗传调控研究启动较晚。该文以近年来国内外发现的水稻GFR相关基因为主线, 从糖类代谢和运输相关基因对GFR的影响、转录和翻译调控基因对GFR的调节、粒型和粒重等相关数量性状位点(QTL)对GFR的作用, 以及GFR相关QTL的分析和克隆4个方面, 对GFR分子机制与遗传调控进行综述; 并对GFR的研究策略特别是表型组学相关技术的应用前景进行展望, 以期推动该领域的基础研究和育种应用。
陈孙禄, 詹成芳, 蒋红, 李琳涵, 张红生 . 水稻籽粒灌浆速率的分子机制与遗传调控研究进展[J]. 植物学报, 2021 , 56(1) : 80 -89 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB20157
High yield and good quality of rice are important guarantees for food security in China, as well as the objective which breeders are pursuing. Grain-filling rate (GFR) is an important and complex agronomic trait in rice, directly affecting grain plumpness, weight, and quality. To date, elite rice germplasm with rapid GFR is rare, and valuable gene resources for breeding remain limited, which has become a bottleneck for further improvement of yield and quality in rice breeding. Comparing with other rice agronomic traits, GFR is highly complex for its spatio-temporal dynamics and environment- dependent variability, the research of which has long been concentrated on the physiological and biochemical characteristics and cultivation measure control of grain-filling period. The study on the molecular mechanism and genetic regulation of GFR has arisen relatively recently. Here, focusing on the GFR-related genes in rice identified recently, we reviewed the preliminarily known molecular mechanism and genetic regulation of GFR, including the influence of sugar metabolism and transport-related genes on GFR, the transcriptional and translational regulatory genes in GFR, the function of grain size and weight-related quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of GFR, and the analysis of GFR-related QTLs; we also discussed the future perspective of the research strategies for GFR, especially the application potential of phenomics-related technologies for GFR research, in order to promote the foundational research and application in rice breeding.
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