WUSCHEL介导的固有免疫: 植物干细胞抵御病毒侵害的新机制
收稿日期: 2020-08-28
录用日期: 2020-09-03
网络出版日期: 2020-10-09
WUSCHEL-mediated Innate Immunity in Plant Stem Cells Provides a Novel Antiviral Strategy
Received date: 2020-08-28
Accepted date: 2020-09-03
Online published: 2020-10-09
植物茎顶端分生组织干细胞是具有持续分化潜能的细胞团, 是植物体地上部所有组织和器官的来源。由于植物行固着生长模式, 其无法通过移动来趋利避害, 因此保护植物干细胞免受病毒和其它病原体侵害对于植物正常生长发育至关重要。尽管人们很早就观察到植物茎顶端干细胞区域与其它部位相比具有极强的抗病毒特性, 但很长时间以来对于植物干细胞如何抵御病毒侵染却知之甚少。近日, 中国科学技术大学赵忠团队阐明了拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)茎顶端干细胞通过WUS蛋白介导的固有免疫反应抵御病毒侵害的机制。WUS能被黄瓜花叶病毒诱导表达, 并抑制病毒在茎尖中央区和周边区积累。WUS通过直接抑制S-腺苷-L-甲硫氨酸依赖的甲基转移酶(SAM MTase)基因的转录, 影响rRNA的加工和核糖体的稳定性, 使病毒蛋白质合成受阻, 从而阻止病毒的复制与传播。该研究揭示了植物体的一种保守且广谱抗病毒策略, 具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。
杜斐, 焦雨铃 . WUSCHEL介导的固有免疫: 植物干细胞抵御病毒侵害的新机制[J]. 植物学报, 2020 , 55(5) : 537 -540 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB20149
Stem cells in plant shoot apical meristem maintain a high level of pluripotency, providing the source of all above-ground tissues and organs. Since plants cannot move to escape from various stresses, protection of plant stem cells from viruses and other pathogens is essential for plant growth and development. Although it has long been known that compared with other parts of the plant, the shoot apex containing the stem cell niche is against virus invasion and accumulation, the related mechanism is still elusive. A recent study from the group of Zhong Zhao at University of Science and Technology of China uncovered the mechanism of how plant stem cells in Arabidopsis are immune to virus infection through WUS-mediated innate immunity. WUS responses to the infection of cucumber mosaic virus, and represses virus accumulation in the central zone and peripheral zone. WUS directly represses the transcription of several S-adenosyl- L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase genes, resulting in disturbed rRNA processing and ribosome stability which affecting viral protein synthesis. This study reveals a conserved and broad-spectrum strategy of antiviral immunity in plant stem cells, which provides high values in both theory and application.
Key words: Arabidopsis; stem cell; WUS; MTase; rRNA; protein synthesis
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