

  • 自然资源部第三海洋研究所, 厦门 361005

收稿日期: 2020-03-25

  录用日期: 2020-07-21

  网络出版日期: 2020-07-21



Analysis of In Situ Distribution of Inorganic Elements in Plants by Micro-XRF

  • Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Xiamen 361005, China

Received date: 2020-03-25

  Accepted date: 2020-07-21

  Online published: 2020-07-21


植物的无机元素分布特征对植物生理过程具有重要的指标作用, 可揭示营养物质分布、代谢途径及毒理耐受性等多种生命过程。用微区XRF技术测试样品中无机元素的分布, 具有原位无损、可进行较大面积样品连续成像分析以及前处理过程简单等诸多优势。将微区XRF技术应用于植物样品不同器官的无机元素分布检测, 旨在探讨该技术在植物样品测试中的仪器参数选择、样品前处理方法和数据后处理手段等对测试结果的影响。为得到可靠的实验结果, 对不同含水量的器官进行不同的前处理, 并比较不同驻留时间、测试腔体真空与否等仪器条件对测试结果的影响, 同时对数据处理方法进行探索, 包括对获得的数据进行图像叠加及对不同元素浓度比例进行半定量分析。研究结果表明, 微区XRF技术测试植物样品中无机元素分布具有一定的技术优势。


林梵宇, 尹希杰, 梁毓娜, 黄杰超 . 微区XRF技术分析无机元素在植物中的原位分布[J]. 植物学报, 2020 , 55(6) : 733 -739 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB20051


The distribution characteristics of inorganic elements in plants play an important guiding role in the physiological, studies, which can reveal the distribution of nutrients, metabolic process, toxicity tolerance and other aspects in plants. Micro-XRF technology has many advantages to study inorganic elements, such as in situ, non-destructive, large area sample continuous mapping analysis, and simple pretreatment process. This study aims to explore the instrument parameters, pre-processing methods and data post-processing methods of micro-XRF in the distribution of inorganic elements of different plant organ samples. According to the difference of water content of different organs, we carried out different pretreatment schemes to obtain reliable experimental results. The influence of different point dwell time, chamber vacuum and other experimental conditions were compared. A variety of processing methods, such as image overlay, semi-quantitative analysis of concentration ratio of different elements, were carried out. The results show that micro-XRF technique has certain advantages in the determination of the distribution of inorganic elements in plant samples.


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