[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]收稿日期: 2019-02-17
录用日期: 2019-04-23
网络出版日期: 2019-04-29
An Effective Method for the Rooting of Tea Cuttings
Received date: 2019-02-17
Accepted date: 2019-04-23
Online published: 2019-04-29
茶(Camellia sinensis)是世界上最重要的饮料作物之一, 随着种植面积的扩大, 茶苗的需求量也日益增加。传统的扦插育苗方式存在着生根难、周期长和取材难等问题, 因此优化扦插生根的方法十分重要。该研究以较易获得、但传统方法难以生根的绿色嫩枝为扦插材料, 首先对培养介质进行改良。与土培和水培相比, 利用海绵培养可以使茶树幼嫩插穗在1个月之内快速生根, 生根率达32.2%。其次, 对海绵培方法做进一步优化, 确定一芽一叶的幼嫩短穗生根潜力更佳; 同时, 添加生根粉能够促进茶树茎部愈伤组织与根系的形成, 其中1.25 g∙L -1生根粉处理48小时对茶树扦插快速生根最有效, 生根率达42.0%。综上, 通过优化培养介质和扦插材料以及适当添加生根粉等措施, 建立了一种茶树高效嫩枝扦插生根的方法。该方法能够显著缩短嫩枝插穗的生根时间, 突破了扦插材料的限制, 有效降低了扦插成本, 具有重要的应用前景。
刘小妹,孙丽莉,傅向东,廖红 . 茶树嫩枝扦插的高效方法[J]. 植物学报, 2019 , 54(4) : 531 -538 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB19025
Tea (Camellia sinensis) is one of the most important beverage crops in the world. With the expanding cultivation area, the demand for tea seedlings is increasing. However, there are many problems with the traditional breeding method for tea plants using cuttings, such as low rooting rate, time consumption and difficulties to obtain materials. Therefore, optimizing the cutting method is of great importance for tea production. In this study, we first changed the culture medium to sponges and found that tea cuttings were able to generate new roots within 1 month on sponges, with rooting rate 32.2%. Second, we optimized the cutting materials by using fresh green tea branches in sponges, and the rooting potential of goung branch maintained with one bud and one leaf is better. In addition, we found that supplying rooting powder to sponges significantly promoted callus formation and new root generation from cuttings. In general, the most effective way was to apply 1.25 g∙L -1 rooting powder to cuttings for 48 h, for a rooting rate of 42.0%. We have established an effective rooting method for tea cuttings by optimizing the culture medium, cutting materials and adding optimal rooting powder. This method could shorten the rooting time, avoid the restriction of cutting materials, and thus effectively reduce the expense of tea cuttings, which has application prospects in tea production.
Key words: tea plant; cuttings; spongy culture; callus; rooting
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