

  • 云南省农业科学院经济作物研究所, 昆明 650205

收稿日期: 2010-08-12

  修回日期: 2010-12-04

  网络出版日期: 2011-05-09



Research Advances in Cannabinoids of Cannabis sativa

  • Industrial Crop Research Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650205, China

Received date: 2010-08-12

  Revised date: 2010-12-04

  Online published: 2011-05-09


大麻(Cannabis sativa)是一种古老的栽培植物, 它既是一种毒品原植物, 又是一种极具开发利用价值的经济作物。大麻素是大麻植物中特有的含有烷基和单萜分子结构的一类次生代谢产物, 目前已分离出70多种, 其中包含使人致幻成瘾的四氢大麻酚(THC)��该文就大麻植物中几种主要的大麻素成分: 四氢大麻酚、大麻二酚(CBD)和大麻环萜酚(CBC)的存在特征、含量变化、生物合成途径、各关键酶及其基因、遗传方式等方面的研究进行概括和归纳, 并展望了当前大麻素的主要研究方向, 对加快我国大麻素的相关研究及大麻育种具有参考意义。


陈璇, 杨明, 郭鸿彦 . 大麻植物中大麻素成分研究进展[J]. 植物学报, 2011 , 46(2) : 197 -205 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2011.00197


Cannabis sativa (hemp) is an ancient cultivated crop. Although the plant can be used as a drug, C. sativa is an excellent industrial crop, especially for textiles and food. Cannabinoids, found only in C. sativa, are unique secondary metabolites possessing alkylresorcinol and monoterpene groups in their molecules. More than 70 cannabinoids have been isolated from hemp or fresh leaves of C. sativa; examples include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a well-known psychoactive component. This review summarizes advances in research into the main cannabinoids, including THC, cannabidiol, and cannabichromene in terms of characterization, content difference, biosynthetic pathway, key synthases and their corresponding genes, and genetic patterns, and offers suggestions for further cannabinoid-related studies. The information will be useful for cannabinoid research and C. sativa breeding.


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