栀子(Gardenia jasminoides)为药用木本植物。以栀子果皮、种子团和种子为外植体, 研究不同激素配比及不同培养方式对愈伤组织诱导和芽分化的影响。研究结果表明, 培养基成分为MS+0.5 mg·L–12,4-D+0.25 mg·L–16-BA较适宜果皮和种子愈伤组织的诱导, 诱导率分别为83.3%和88.5%; 培养基成分为MS+1.0 mg·L–12,4-D+1.0 mg·L–16-BA较适宜种子团愈伤组织的诱导, 诱导率为78.1%。3种外植体诱导的愈伤组织中, 只有种子愈伤组织能通过液体培养分化出芽; TDZ对芽分化有明显的促进作用; 最佳的芽分化培养基为MS+0.05 mg·L–1NAA+0.10 mg·L–1TDZ, 其愈伤组织分化率为8.75%。该研究以栀子种子为外植体, 并获得了再生植株, 为药用植物栀子转基因体系的建立奠定了基础。
Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides) is a woody medicinal plant with geniposide, chlorogenic acid and crocin-1 as its bioactive compounds. To establish an experimental system for gene transformation to obtain high-content bioactive compounds, we studied the effects of different plant regulators and cultural modes on the callus induction and shoot regeneration from explants of pericarps, placentas with seeds, and seeds of gardenia. The optimal medium for callus induction from pericarp and seed was MS+0.5 mg·L–12,4-D+0.25 mg·L–16-BA. However, for callus induction from placentas with seeds, the optimal medium was MS+1.0 mg·L–12,4-D+1.0 mg·L–16-BA. The rates of callus induction were 83.3%, 88.5% and 78.1% from explants of pericarp, seed, and placenta with seeds, respectively. Buds regenerated from seed callus by liquid culture but not from the other 2 kinds of calli. TDZ (N-phenyl-N′-1,2,3-thidiazol-5ylurea), a phenylurea compound with auxin and cytokinin activities, stimulated bud differentiation. The optimal medium for bud differentiation was MS+0.05 mg·L–1NAA+0.10 mg·L–1TDZ with highest differentiation rate of 8.75%. We established a plant tissue culture system with gardenia seeds as explants, which can serve as a technical platform for gene transformation.
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