采用田间去雄套袋、花粉活性与花粉管萌发观测等交配系统实验, 辅以染色体分析、胚囊发育观察以及流式细胞仪检测, 对丹东蒲公英(Taraxacum antungense)生殖特性进行系统研究。结果表明, 去雄套袋情况下, 结籽率高达96%, 由此证明交配系统具有极高的无融合发生率; 自花授粉不能萌发, 花粉活性仅为20.6%, 异花授粉虽可萌发, 但生长缓慢, 花粉在到达子房前, 花粉管已停止生长并消失; 二分体时期, 合子端大孢子发育为功能性大孢子, 珠孔端大孢子退化消失, 经蓼型发育, 形成7细胞8核, 卵细胞继续发育形成原胚, 中央细胞形成胚乳, 其它细胞退化消失, 花未开放前, 已形成球形胚。此外, 丹东蒲公英为三倍体。流式细胞仪检测结果表明, 丹东蒲公英为专性无融合生殖, 胚乳自主发育。综合以上研究结果, 说明丹东蒲公英具专性无融合生殖特性。
To determine the reproductive characteristics of the dandelion Taraxacum antungense, we examined the mating system, pollen viability, pollen tube germination, embryo sac development, and ploidy. The apomictic ratio was relatively high and the pollen viability 20.6%. Pollen could not germinate by self-pollination, but by outcrossing, it could germinate with the slowly growing pollen tube. The pollen tube completed growth before reaching the ovary and then degenerated. At dyad phase, the micropylar megaspore degenerated and the chalazal megaspore formed a functional megaspore. The development pattern of the embryo sac is polygonum type. The egg cell and central cells convert to embryo and endosperm, without fertilization, respectively. Before inflorescence, the globular embryo forms. Chromosome counting confirmed T. antungense as triploid. Flow cytometry revealed that T. antungense is obligate apomictic, and the development of endosperm is autonomous.