对大戟科21属33种植物的现代花粉形态进行了系统的形态学研究。选取的33种大戟科植物基本涵盖了该科绝大部分花粉形态类型。根据花粉的大小、形状、外壁表面纹饰, 结合大戟科亚科分类, 对该科花粉形态特征进行详细对比和分析。结果表明, 每个亚科都有其独特的花粉形态, 各亚科可以根据花粉形态来鉴别。此外, 大戟科多个属(如野桐属、山麻杆属、叶下珠属等)的植物花粉形态特征较明显, 可以鉴定到属甚至种一级水平。研究结果不仅为大戟科花粉形态分类学提供了依据, 同时为地层孢粉分析中花粉的鉴定提供参考。
This study provides the palynological literature for morphologic features of almost all pollen types of Euphorbiaceae, including 33 species in 21 genera. Size, shape and surface ornamentation of pollen types in subfamilies were analysed and compared. Pollen of each subfamily have distinctive morphological features that can be used for identification. Some genera (e.g., Mallotus, Alchornea, Phyllanthus) have unique pollen types, which can be identified to genus or even species level. This study provides classification of pollen types of Euphorbiaceae subfamilies and new references for the database.