峨眉黄连(Coptis omeiensis (Chen) C. Y. Cheng)是一种药用价值较高的国家二级保护植物。采用野外观察与室内解剖的方法, 详细描述和分析了峨眉黄连的生活史、繁殖特性及生态特征, 并寻找致危因子。结果表明: 峨眉黄连从种子萌发至自然死亡, 其生活史可分为4个时期, 寿命长达15年以上。峨眉黄连行有性繁殖, 无侧生无性繁殖枝; 顶生芽是一个混合芽, 由侧生花序和1个定芽组成; 花的各部分均发育正常, 花瓣原基和雄蕊原基同源; 花粉粒直径16–24 μm, 有刺状雕纹。种子腹面有窄翼状突起, 胚后熟, 翌年萌发。海拔1 100–1 700 m的阴湿岩壁是其最适生长环境, 降雨量、温度、湿度和光照等因素对其生存与分布至关重要。
As a second-class endangered plant in China, Coptis omeiensis (Chen) C. Y. Cheng has high medical value but is not cultivated. To determine the endangering factors, we described and analyzed in detail the life cycle and reproductive and ecological characteristics of C. omeiensis. We dissected and recorded the growth of various parts of the flower and mixed bud by field observation and general anatomical lens and digital microscopy (Motic BA200) and observed pollen grains by scanning electron microscopy (Hitachi S-450). The life cycle of C. omeiensis can be divided into 4 periods and the life expectancy is up to 15 years from seed germination to natural death. C. omeiensis exhibits sexual propagation and has no paraclade in asexual propagation. The terminal bud was mixed and was composed of the lateral inflorescence and a normal bud. Various parts of the proterogynous flower developed normally. The petal and stamen primordia were homologous. Pollen grains were 16 to 24 μm in diameter and had spinulose ornamentation. The seed contained narrow aliform processes on the ventral side, and germinated in the second year for its embryo after-ripening. In addition, the most suitable growth environments happened in damp rocks at 1 100 to 1 700 m elevation. Eco-environmental factors such as rainfall, temperature, humidity and light are important to the survival and distribution of this endangered plant.