

  • 1信阳师范学院生命科学学院, 信阳 464000
    2信阳师范学院大别山农业生物资源保护与利用研究院, 信阳 464000
    3信阳市农业科学院, 信阳 464000
    4信阳学院理工学院, 信阳 464000

收稿日期: 2016-10-11

  录用日期: 2017-01-10

  网络出版日期: 2017-01-10


国家自然科学基金(No.U1604110, No.31270727, No.U1404319, No.31600992)、河南省重点科技攻关项目(No.15210211 0100, No.152102110036)、河南省高等学校重点科研项目(No.15A180059, No.16B180006)、河南省重大科技专项(No.121100110200)、河南省成果转化项目(No.142201110038)、河南省科技惠民项目(No.162207310009)、河南省高校科技创新团队(No.14IRTSTHN012)、信阳师范学院高层次人才科研启动基金(No.0201430)、河南省高等学校大学生实践创新训练计划(No.201710477018Y)、信阳师范学院“南湖学者奖励计划”青年项目(No.2016056)和大别山农业生物研究院开放课题

Research Progress of Fragrance Gene and Its Application in Rice Breeding

  • 1College of Life Sciences, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, China
    2Institute for Conservation and Utilization of Agro-bioresources in Dabie Mountains, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, China
    3Xinyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xinyang 464000, China
    4School of Sciences and Technology, Xinyang University, Xinyang 464000, China

Received date: 2016-10-11

  Accepted date: 2017-01-10

  Online published: 2017-01-10


水稻(Oryza sativa)为世界上30多亿人口的主食, 是最重要的粮食作物之一。作为栽培水稻类型之一的香稻, 由于其稻米具有独特的香味, 在国内外市场上深受广大消费者的青睐。近年来, 随着水稻功能基因组和测序技术的快速发展, 针对水稻香味基因的研究取得了较大进展, 并开发了一系列的功能标记应用于香味基因筛选和品种培育。该文综述了水稻香味基因的遗传基础、基因功能及其调控、功能标记的开发及应用的新进展, 以期为香稻新品种培育提供借鉴与参考。


彭波, 孙艳芳, 陈报阳, 孙瑞萌, 孔冬艳, 庞瑞华, 李先文, 宋晓华, 李慧龙, 李金涛, 周棋赢, 柳琳, 段斌, 宋世枝 . 水稻香味基因及其在育种中的应用研究进展[J]. 植物学报, 2017 , 52(6) : 797 -807 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB16197


Rice is a staple food for more than 3 billion people in the world, and it is one of the most important food crops. As one of the types of cultivated rice, fragrant rice is favoured worldwide by consumers because of its agreeable scent. In recent years, with the rapid development of rice functional genomics and sequencing technology, great progress has been made in understanding the fragrant gene in rice, and a series of functional markers has been developed for screening the fragrant gene and breeding new rice varieties. This paper mainly reviews the progress in the genetic basis, gene function and regulation of the fragrant gene and the development and application of gene functional markers in rice. It provides useful references for the cultivation of new varieties of fragrant rice.


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